SMART DUMBBELL is a speed detector that helps user’s exercise tempo. Using vision interaction to indicate current speed of movement.

As stated in Behm, D., and Sale, D.G.’s Velocity Specificity of Resistance Training**, Resistance training at a specific speed will exhibit optimal gains at a similar testing speed with decreasing improvement as the testing speed deviates farther from the training speed.

**Behm, D., and Sale, D.G. Velocity Specificity of Resistance Training, Sports Medicine, July 1993, 15(6):374-88

Depend on exercise tempo, target muscle grows up in different type.**

The S-dumbbell changes color based on the speed of movement. The color of the dumbbell remains constant during the same tempo. Users will naturally exercise at a consistent speed if they keep the color steady during workout. Also they can notice whether they are maintaining a constant speed through a sound alarm.

**Plotkin, D. L., Roberts, M. D., Haun, C. T., & Schoenfeld, B. J. Muscle Fiber Type Transitions with Exercise Training: Shifting Perspectives. Sports, 9(9), 127, 202

How to use

1. Press power switch long to turn on SMART DUMBBELL

3. If you move in wrong speed, yellow light turns on

2. Select color that match your focus.

To obtain accurate exercise tempo data, I collected and analyzed the movement of professional sports trainers and used the average to set the exercise tempo.

Since electronic sensor always has noise, it is important to find way to smoothing raw data.

To catch noise from raw data and make bound of graph, I used two different smoothing. This algorithm will apply to raw data on dumbbell to prevent noise error.

1. Collect raw speed data.

3. Use ‘Exponensial Smoothig’ to get bound of data
St = a*Xt + (1-a)*St-1 {t>0, 0

2. Use ‘Moving Average Smoothig’ to reduce noise.
St =(Xt+Xt-1+Xt-2)/3

4. Find Maximum and Minimum speed value


Many people have come to understand the importance of proper exercise form and targeting the right muscles, but many still don’t know the importance of exercise tempo.

According to research “Muscle Fiber Type Transitions with Exercise Training: Shifting Perspectives” by Plotki**, ratio of muscle twitch types developed can vary depending on the speed and method of training, even with the same exercise. Therefore, it is crucial to maintain a consistent exercise tempo depending on the user’s goal. However, many people focus only on correct form and overlook the importance of maintaining a consistent rhythm. To address this, S-dumbbell focuses on providing feedback on the user’s exercise tempo through visual and auditory stimuli, to which people are highly responsive.

2018 MAR - MAY





**Plotkin, D. L., Roberts, M. D., Haun, C. T., & Schoenfeld, B. J. Muscle Fiber Type Transitions with Exercise Training: Shifting Perspectives. Sports, 9(9), 127, 2